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Apple updates Matter devices via the Home app

Those who use an Eve Energy adapter with Matter firmware are now offered a software update in Apple’s Home app. It automatically appears on the start page and can also be accessed via the device tile and the home settings. Previously, only software updates for the HomePod were made available in this way. With iOS 16.4.1, Apple has apparently extended the feature to third-party products. A second slider in the settings activates automatic updates for Home devices if desired.

The software of home devices can also be updated automatically if desired.

Whether manually or automatically: In both cases, Apple updates the Matter product from Eve Systems to firmware version 3.2. However, users do not find out what exactly the differences are to the previous version 3.1.

Software updates via a Matter ecosystem are explicitly provided for in the standard. Device manufacturers can store a link to the download file in the encrypted Distibuted Compliance Ledger, or DCL for short (see: Matter benefits #4: Security and privacy). Eve Systems already seems to be making use of this and releasing its update this way. If the method catches on, manufacturers will have to think even more carefully about how to make their own app attractive. After all, a Matter ecosystem like Apple Home is sufficient to commission devices, operate their basic functions and update their software.

The Eve update is seamlessly integrated into Apple’s Matter ecosystem. Image: digitalzimmer.de

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