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Matter delayed. New start date: 2022

Originally, the new smart home standard Matter was to be launched at the end of 2021. Now the launch is expected to be delayed until well into 2022. As Tobin Richardson, head of the responsible Connectivity Standards Allianace (CSA), writes in an article on the CSA website, the software needs more time (link). After the first tests, some manufacturers probably had to correct their schedules for the product launch.

The official developer tool or SDK (Software Development Kit) is now scheduled to be ready in the first half of 2022. Only then can manufacturers build devices in a final version. Thus, the second half of 2022 seems to be the market launch.

After the pandemic-related delays last year, smart home fans will have to wait even longer. Insiders are not surprised by this development, since Amazon, Apple, Google and the other companies involved are trying to drill a pretty thick board with the open, manufacturer-independent Matter protocol. Thorough preparation is certainly helpful so that everything works out at the start.

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