Home Assistant integrates Matter

The open-source home control Home Assistant has one more integration to offer. With version 2022.11, the software introduces the Matter standard. From now on, Matter products can be added and used in automations. At launch, however, the supported device classes are limited. According to the documentation (link), the selection is limited to lamps, switches and sensors.

Not yet for productive use: The Matter add-on has beta status.

In addition, the integration still has the term “beta” in its name. The developers warn against using it in a productive smart home environment. The whole thing is still “for development only”. Those who still want to try it will find Matter as one of many “integrations” in the system settings. It can be added and configured there, just like other connections.

Matter can now be added in the settings like other integrations.

Adding Matter products like lamps or sensors to the installation requires the official companion app of Home Assistant. However, the app also needs an update first, which is already being worked on according to the release notes in the blog (link). It should be ready “in the upcoming weeks”. The Android version is in beta stage (link), the iOS counterpart should take some more time.

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